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Strategies for Travel Brands to Stand Out in a Competitive Marketplace


The travel industry has seen a resurgence in recent years, with pent-up demand from the COVID-19 pandemic driving increased consumer spending on travel experiences. However, this also means the market is more crowded and competitive than ever before. Travel brands must employ strategic tactics to differentiate themselves and capture the attention of potential customers.

1. Geo-Targeting: Locals Discount

One effective strategy is to leverage geo-targeting to offer special discounts to local consumers. As highlighted in the Justuno blog, travel brands can use website banners to promote last-minute deals for locals within a certain driving distance of the destination. This can help fill empty slots in a venue or activity calendar and drive incremental revenue.

2. Brand Collaborations

Partnering with complementary brands in other verticals can also help travel brands build a powerful visual story and unlock new audiences. Multiple airlines and OTAs have partnered with Blue Ribbon Bag in order to offer luggage protection throughout the customer journey.

Travel competition

3. Influencer Partnerships

Influencer marketing has become a staple in the travel industry, with brands leveraging "influencer trips" to showcase their offerings to a wide audience. An influencer's campaign can be hugely profitable for a travel brand, while also providing them with extensive content to market their own business. OTAs should seek influencers who genuinely align with their brand values and cater to their target audience. Influencers who have used the OTA's services in the past or share their passion for travel will resonate more with their followers, building trust and credibility in the process. Genuine testimonials from influencers and their followers further solidify the OTA's reputation and encourage others to try their services.

influencer marketing

4. Gift with Purchase

Who doesn't like a free gift? Try implementing a "gift with purchase" strategy. Offering a free, exclusive item (either revealed or kept as a surprise) can create a sense of excitement and FOMO around the purchase. This can be a powerful tactic to drive conversions, especially if the gift item is not available for individual purchase.

5. Personalized Experiences

Consumers increasingly expect tailored experiences at every touchpoint throughout the travel purchase journey. Travel brands should leverage data and insights to deliver personalized messaging that speaks to the specific needs and values of their target audiences, whether that's highlighting sustainability initiatives or flexible booking policies.

By implementing these strategies, travel brands can cut through the noise of a crowded marketplace and deliver a compelling, differentiated offering that resonates with consumers. The key is to focus on creating unique, memorable experiences that align with the broader destination brand and meet the evolving expectations of today's travelers.

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